digital agency


Effective Online Communication


Why is it so important?

For starters, organic reach continues to fall across most of the major networks. The days of merely posting on social and expecting all your followers to see everything are over. Today, you need to grow your businesses reach using paid for Social Media ads.
The best things about social media ads are that they can be super-targeted, highly relevant directed to perfectly designed landing pages to make the most of your spending.

Why use Push the Envelope to manage my Social Media Ads?

  • We’ll develop your Strategy.
  • We’ll design Beautiful Ads.
  • We’ll ensure Relevant reach: Are the right people seeing your message?
  • We’ll create Active engagement: Are the people seeing your ads interacting with them?
  • Increase Enquiries: Relevant leads for your business
  • We’ll track Conversions: Conversions differ from client to client but is usually leads, sales, or store visits.



With more than 2 billion monthly
users, Facebook hosts over a quarter
of the world’s population, providing
advertisers with an unparalleled
opportunity to reach virtually anyone
and everyone.


Instagram now boasts more
than 500 million monthly active
users and commands one of the
highest audience engagement rates
in social media, 58% higher than
Facebook and 2000% higher than

Facebook Messenger

1.3 billion people use Messenger
every month to engage with their
friends, family and
businesses. Messenger ad solutions
help send people into conversations
with your business, which helps you
drive the results that matter.


LinkedIn is another unique social
platform that revolves primarily
around the B2B market. LinkedIn has
an estimated 227 million monthly
active users, evenly split between
male and female users. 61% of users
fall into the 30-64 age range bracket.


Twitter has revolutionised breaking
news and provided unparalleled
access for users to connect with both
niche and mainstream
influencers. With 328 million
monthly active users, it is an
extremely popular platform.


Pinterest is unique. Similarly to instagram,
it is a visual platform.

But unlike Instagram, it is highly targeted toward women with an 81% female user base.

With 175 million monthly users. This platform is also incredibly active.


What Are Your Options?

Photo Ads

Tell your story through a clean, simple and beautiful creative canvas. Photos can be square, landscape or portrait.

Video ads

Get the same visually immersive quality as photo ads, with the added power of sight, sound and motion. And now, you can share videos up to 60 seconds long.

Carousel ADS

Add another layer of depth to campaigns, where people can swipe to view additional photos or videos in a single ad.

Stories Ads​

You can now place ads on Facebook and Instagram Stories. They provide a creative, engaging and immersive full-screen ad format built to drive action and powered by Facebook’s advanced people-based measurement solutions that you know and trust.

Ads in Explore​

Reach people in a discovery mindset by extending your feed ads to audiences who are looking to expand their interests beyond the accounts they follow.

Our Case Studies

A home contractor was finding it hard to attain leads through his Facebook Ad efforts.

A home contractor needed leads for his business and was struggling to meet his goals using Facebook ads.

A coach needed to attain leads on a VERY limited budget – €100.

Telecommunication Company

SEM case study

A home contractor was finding it hard to attain leads through his Facebook Ad efforts.

VOIP Landline Business – Brand Awareness

SEM case study

A home contractor needed leads for his business and was struggling to meet his goals using Facebook ads.

Coaching/Consultant Leads Generation

Case Study Coaching

A coach needed to attain leads on a VERY limited budget – €100.